4 Winter Interior Styling Tips

10 Aug 2018 by Adore Property Styling

When the cooler winter months roll around, style choices tend to shift in the design world. People gravitate towards cosy fabrics, warm colour palettes and layouts that highlight those feature pieces we love to use most on icy days (think: fireplaces, whiskey stations or books).

If you’re looking to update your property for the season and need some winter styling tips, we can help! We’ve compiled a list of four of the hottest interior winter trends that you can easily use to refresh your space.

Check them out below:

  1. Opt for rich colours:
    Give your home a cosier appearance by choosing style pieces in warmer tones. Pair shades of emerald, aubergine, burnt orange or deep reds with neutrals to help create a chic winter space.
    Colour is usually introduced with pieces of art, statement furniture items and decorative accents (like vases, cushions etc.), but you can even use small touches like bold floral arrangements to add a burst of colour to your home.
  2. Go wild for texture:
    When it comes to winter interior ideas, the use of texture is a no-brainer. Choosing woven fabrics, velvet and even natural elements like rattan for your furniture, throws, rugs and cushions will add to the cosy vibe you’re no doubt hoping to achieve.
  3. Inject a little more light:
    The last thing you need in the cooler months is for your property to appear drab and dark. Combat the loss of natural light during winter by introducing more floor and table
  4. Reassess your focal points:
    Take a look around your space. Could it benefit from a simple rearrangement? Maybe you’d like to turn everyone’s attention to the fireplace (if you have one) or that nifty collection of whiskey you’ve amassed? Shifting the placement of your furniture can help redefine the central pieces of your room so why not make seasonal updates to match what you’re using each month?

As always, if you need a hand when it comes to design trends that will catch the attention of the buyer’s market you can always reach out to the team at Adore Property Styling. Our team is always happy to assist!

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