Eight Tips For Styling Your Bathroom

19 Nov 2018 by Adore Property Styling

A great bathroom (or bathrooms) is one of the most significant selling points for a property.

This is where residents will begin and end their days, so you want to make sure what you’re presenting is a place where they’re comfortable doing that. If you’re looking to put your house or apartment on the market, the choices you make when it comes to your bathroom styling can impact the overall impression the property makes, so it’s worth thinking carefully about it.

If you don’t know the first thing about how to style a bathroom, don’t worry! We’ve gone ahead and written up a list of eight tips that will help you with bathroom style ideas.

  1. Simplicity is key:
    As with most of your design choices for a property you intend to sell, you want to appeal to a wide audience, so choose a classic colour scheme to avoid polarising opinions.A neutral colour palette will allow a much larger group of people to picture their lives in the space and will also give you more flexibility with the accents you choose to decorate with.
  2. Inject personality with small features:
    Following on from our first point, if indeed you’d like to see a few splashes of colour (pardon the pun) or texture in the bathroom you’re styling, use small features like towels and pieces of art to do that.Funky textures, fun accents of colour and eye-catching photography can do a lot to transform an otherwise simple space, so use these to lift your bathroom where possible.
  3. Be creative with storage
    Elements like wicker baskets, discreetly placed hooks and wooden shelves or ladders are stylish additions you can introduce to your space that will make it much easier to organise.And as a bonus, they look great!
  4. Use a fun shower curtain:
    More than just a necessity when it comes to keeping water from covering your bathroom floor, a shower curtain is actually another way to brighten up a space.Choose an elegant fabric and a colour that works with your other decorative pieces; this will help elevate the look of the room.By choosing a curtain instead of a door that swings in and out, you’re also saving space in a commonly busy area.
  5. Go green:
    Don’t underestimate the impact a few plants can have on a room, especially one with a fairly simple design theme. Select some lush pieces of greenery (they can be low maintenance if you don’t have a green thumb) and watch how they transform your bathroom.The space will instantly feel brighter and more inviting.
  6. Stock up on luxurious products:
    It’s a small detail, but choosing high-quality, well-designed bathroom products like soaps, hand creams and diffusers will make the room seem more well put-together, and it will introduce some pleasant fragrances, too.
  7. Light it up:
    The bathroom is a space where people spend a solid amount of time readying themselves for the day ahead, so you want it to be well-lit. There’s nothing worse than trying to apply make-up in a dark room.If you don’t have the benefit of loads of natural light, try using a floor lamp or candles to lift the area.You can be sure this is something potential buyers will notice.
  8. Keep it tidy:
    It might sound obvious, but this is worth listing anyway.Bathrooms are areas prone to mess with all those toothbrushes, towels, hair brushes, etc.… make sure you’re presenting the best version of the space by removing anything that might cause the area to seem cluttered or messy.Clean, clear surfaces are what you’re aiming for.

If you have any additional questions about styling bathrooms or need help preparing your property for the market in any way, feel free to reach out to the team at Adore Property Styling. Our team is always happy to assist.

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