Choosing The Right Artwork For Your Property

17 Oct 2018 by Adore Property Styling

The artwork you choose to display in your home has a big impact on the kind of message the space sends. A well-selected piece will complement the design choices you’ve made for the room it is set in and often, will help an area to appear “finished”.  

On the other hand, poorly chosen or placed artworks can detract from the overall feel of your home and undo your hard design work in other areas.

If you’re thinking about adding some art into the picture, but are unsure about how to choose wall art, we can guide you to ensure you’re making the right decisions.

When it comes to choosing artwork, the first question you should ask yourself is: “what do I like?”

If you’re going to invest in a painting, photograph or sculpture, it helps if it’s in a style you want to see every day. Obviously, if you’re updating the interior of your home with the intention of selling you may want to steer clear of anything too polarising, but as a general rule, you should always lean towards the styles that speak to you.

Don’t get too wrapped up in the opinions of art experts or trends, either – art is subjective so go with what you love looking at.

Once you have a good idea of the kind of artworks you personally enjoy, you can begin to think about what will best suit the space you’re styling.

Will one large abstract painting work best with the minimal look you’ve chosen for a large room in your house or apartment? Or perhaps a collection of photographs with matching frames will fit in nicely with your slick dining room layout?

Take a good look at the other colour and material choices you’ve made for your home and be sure to consider these when making your selections, too. Using the colour palette from your home as a reference for the art choices you make will help guarantee the pieces will fit in nicely.

For example, if your home has been decorated with a selection of soft pastel pinks, grey and white, why not contrast that with an eye-catching black and white photograph?

Or you could inject a little colour into a neutral room with an illustration of some lush greenery, perhaps?

You can even extend this beyond colour palette if you like. Choosing frames that match or pair well with the surfaces in the room will make all the difference, stylistically.

While it may seem daunting at first, choosing pieces of art to display in your property can be quite a fun way to add a little more personality, life and colour to a space. Don’t be afraid to be a little bold in your choices… after all, art is all about expression isn’t it?

If at any stage, however, you’re feeling lost or uncertain about the choices you’re making, please do not hesitate to reach out to the team at Adore Property Styling. We are more than happy to help assist you with how to choose artwork that you and potential buyers are going to absolutely love.

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