How To Choose The Right Property Stylist

14 Jun 2018 by Adore Property Styling

When it comes to selling a home, first impressions make a world of difference – believe us, we know!

In a competitive market, sellers need to ensure that their properties catch (and hold) the interest of potential buyers right away, and presentation plays a big part in that.

If you’re hoping to sell your house, but know the space could use a little TLC first, you may want to consider enlisting the help of a home stylist.

For those who are new to the term, property styling is where design professionals assess a space and work to highlight its biggest selling points. They will select furniture, art and other decorative pieces that show off the most impressive features in your house or apartment to help you achieve your main goal: selling.

If house styling sounds like something you could benefit from, you want to make sure you’re hiring the best team for the task. So, how can you tell which property stylist is right for you?

Well, there are a few ways, actually.

First of all – and this may sound obvious – but, you need to be sure you like their work. Take a look at jobs they have completed in the past and ask yourself: do you like their design choices? Are the pieces they’re using (furniture and décor) of a high quality? Is this the kind of end result that will help sell your home?

This is the best insight you’ll get into the kind of work you’ll be receiving, so take some time to see if it’s right for you.

Another simple but important step is checking their price point. From business to business, the cost of the service is going to vary and that is likely to impact your decision-making at least a little (if not significantly). Ask for a quote and see what’s doable at your budget.

With that said, if the pricing sounds too good to be true, it just might be. Be aware of stylists who cut corners in order to keep prices ridiculously low. Remember, you’re using this service to add value to your home; decorating a space with low-quality pieces is not going to get you your desired result.

Last of all, you want to be confident that you and your chosen stylist are on the same page at all times. When making your initial enquiries, it’s important to pay attention to the professionals who are clear, prompt and listen to what you’re asking of them.

If you and the stylist you’ve hired cannot communicate, there will be a much higher chance that misunderstandings, and perhaps problems, will ensue.

Don’t be afraid to get on the phone or send an email and ask questions before you commit. Most property stylists will be more than happy to chat you through the process before getting down to business. Our team certainly is!

If you think you could use the expertise of a property stylist to boost the value of your home, feel free to get in touch with our team on 0478 048 458 or email for a compulsory consultation and quote.

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