Why Your House Isn’t Selling

24 Sep 2018 by Adore Property Styling

Making the choice to put your property up for sale just to have it sit on the market for months is not the ideal situation for any homeowner.

Chances are you’ve invested a good amount of time and money into this house or apartment, so the last thing you want is for the listing to grow stale with no real sign of progress.

If you’re currently experiencing this setback, know that there are a number of property selling mistakes that could be behind it and, thankfully, that there are ways to improve your chances of making a sale, too.

When it comes to house selling tips, the first thing you need to consider is pricing. An overpriced property is one of the biggest home selling mistakes there are. Be sure to do your research and stay on top of changes in the market to ensure you’re listing your home at a realistic price.

If you’re a little lost when it comes to this, it’s always worth enlisting the help of an expert, like your real estate agent, who can point you in the right direction.

Keeping the asking price reasonable makes it much more likely that you’ll grab the attention of a wider group of buyers, which may even lead to a higher-than-anticipated selling price.

Next to cost, the biggest influence on the likelihood of a sale is its aesthetic.  

The way you present your property to potential buyers makes all the difference. What message is the space sending? Does it feel inviting? Will people be able to picture a life here? Or does it look a little stale?

It is hugely important that the design and layout of your home highlight its strongest selling points. That way, when someone steps in for an inspection, they can easily see what kind of options the space offers and if they can imagine themselves there.

By displaying a clean, stylish home, you’ll widen the net of interested buyers and potentially even see a higher sale price in the end. Remember to always keep design choices chic and not too niche, so that you appeal to every type of buyer.

If you’re unsure how to go about this, you can always seek out the assistance of a property styling professional who will be able to pinpoint exactly what kind of changes will help accentuate the best features in your home.

Another element to consider is your marketing.

Take a look at where your property is being advertised and how the listing is presented.

You want to assure the photos that are selling your home are strong and that your house or apartment is promoted on all major avenues.

How you market your property is going to largely impact the number of people that come to see it, so you need to take the time to fulfil this step properly.

If you have any questions on the potential reasons your home isn’t selling, feel free to reach out to the team at Adore Property Styling. We’re always more than happy to assist!

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